Enum TerrainType
Types of terrain available, if you include custom ones its highly recommended to include negative numbers or over 100
Namespace: Axis.Navigation.Grid
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
public enum TerrainType
Name | Description |
Clear | |
Clouds | |
Crystal | |
Danger | |
Dark | |
Dirt | |
Dust | |
Fabric | |
Foam | |
Forest | |
Glass | |
Grass | |
GrassBushes | |
GrassTall | |
Hole | |
Holy | |
Ice | |
IceFragile | |
IceSliding | |
Jelly | |
Lava | |
Light | |
Metal | |
MetalFragile | |
MetalLiquid | |
MetalSliding | |
MetalStairs | |
MetalTrack | |
Mud | |
Null | |
Protected | |
QuickSand | |
Road | |
Rock | |
RockFragile | |
RockStairs | |
Rubble | |
Sand | |
SandDunes | |
Snow | |
Spikes | |
Swamp | |
Water | |
WaterDeep | |
WaterFall | |
WaterPoison | |
WaterShallow | |
Wood | |
WoodFragile | |
WoodStairs |